The Federated Hermes Content API is a RESTful API that can be used to retrieve information about Federated Hermes' content managed information.
The API has typical RESTful characteristics and uses JSON or XML for the output.
For more information on usage and how to get started Contact Us.
data type | context for syntax |
Integer / Long |
String (number) |
String (text) |
String (orderBy) |
String (date / date range) |
name | path | methods | description |
Abbreviations |
Provides abbreviations needed for ADA from a content managed template. |
AboutUsDataPoints |
Provides data points for the about us section. |
AboutUsLinks |
Provides links for the about us section. |
AboutUses |
Provides about us. |
AccessControls |
Provides access controls. |
AccordionBellows |
Provides accordion bellows. |
Addresses |
Provides addresses. |
AgreeConsents |
Provides agree and consent content. |
Alerts |
Provides alerts content. |
Announcements |
Provides announcements. |
AsideObjects |
Provides aside objects. |
Asides |
Provides asides. |
AssetClasses |
Provides asset classes for Federated products. |
Authenticate |
Authenticates a specified user to allow access to non-public_anonymous API calls. API calls within this web service
have 3 different levels of authorization which are described below.
Authors |
Provides authors. |
AuxiliaryAccounts |
Provides auxiliary accounts. |
Banners |
Provides banners. |
Campaigns |
Provides campaigns. |
CertificationTexts |
Provides certification text. |
Classes |
Provides classes. |
Clients |
Provides clients. |
Commentaries |
Provides commentaries written for the Federated web sites. |
Committees |
Provides committees. |
Contacts |
Provides contact information for people and/or places. |
ContentExpirations |
Provides a list of content to be expired. |
DAFCategories |
Provides a list of DAF (digital asset file) categories. |
DAFCategoryOrders |
Provides orders for DAF (digital asset file) categories. |
DAFLanguageOrders |
Provides orders for DAF (digital asset file) categories. |
DAFMetadatas |
Provides DAF (digital asset files) metadatas. |
DAFNationOrders |
Provides orders for DAFs (digital asset files) by nation. |
DAFOrders |
Provides DAF (digital asset files) orders. |
DAFTypeOrders |
Provides orders for DAF (digital asset file) types. |
DAFTypes |
Provides DAF (digital asset file) types. |
DdpFinancialExpresses |
Provides DDP (document delivery portal) financial express data. |
DdpMetadatas |
Provides DDP (document delivery portal) metadatas. |
Disclosures |
Provides disclosures needed for compliance reasons. |
DynamicWebpages |
Provides dynamic web pages. |
EaacDafMetadatas |
Provides EAAC (Evaluation and Approval of Advisory Contract) DAF (digital asset files) |
Educations |
Provides a persons educations. |
EventInHistories |
Provides events in histories. |
Events |
Provides events |
Experiences |
Provides experiences for persons. |
ExpiringContentSubscriptions |
Provides expiring content subscriptions. |
ExternalSubscriptionProperties |
Provides external subscription properties. |
Glossaries |
Provides glossaries of financial definitions. |
Provides htmls content. |
HeroBanners |
Provides hero banners for the homepage. |
HistoricalDafs |
Provides Historical DAF (digital asset files) metadatas. |
HomePageBannerObjects |
Provides homepagebanner objects. |
HomePageBanners |
Provides homePageBanners. |
Hyperlinks |
Provides hyperlinks. |
Images |
Provides images. |
Insights |
Provides insights |
InvestmentGoals |
Provides investment goals. |
Kingdoms |
Provides kingdoms. |
Languages |
Provides languages |
Locations |
Provides locations. |
Maps |
Provides maps. |
MediaAppearances |
Provides media appearances. |
MediaTypes |
Provides media types. |
Microsites |
Provides microsites. |
Nations |
Provides nations. |
Orders |
Provides orders. |
PageHeaderSections |
Provides page header sections. |
PageHeaders |
Provides page headers. |
PersonSubteams |
Provides a persons subteams. |
Persons |
Provides persons. |
Phones |
Provides phones. |
Phyla |
Provides phyla. |
ProductBenchmarks |
Provides product benchmarks. |
ProductCustomKeyFacts |
Provides product custom key facts. |
ProductLinkCategories |
Provides product link categories. |
ProductLinks |
Provides product links. |
ProductPersons |
Provides a list of products that a person manages. |
ProductShareClasses |
Provides Federated product share classes. |
ProductTypes |
Provides Federated product types. |
Products |
Provides Federated products. |
ProfessionalAssociations |
Provides professional associations for certain Federated employees. |
ProfessionalExperienceTitles |
Provides professional experience titles for certain Federated employees. |
Regions |
Provides regions. |
Roles |
Provides user roles. |
SecFilingAbouts |
Provides SEC filings for the about us section of the web site. |
SectionAsides |
Provides section asides. |
SectionObjects |
Provides section objects. |
Sections |
Provides sections. |
ServiceAlerts |
Provides service alerts (emergencies, weather, etc.) used on the Federated web sites. |
ShareClassLinks |
Provides share class links. |
ShareClasses |
Provides share classes for Federated products. |
SignIns |
Provides sign ins. |
Subteams |
Provides subteams. |
Teams |
Provides teams that work at Federated Investors. |
Terms |
Provides terms. |
ToolbarExceptions |
Provides toolbar exceptions which hide certain options from the share pill. |
Topics |
Provides user managed topics for web sites. |
TranscriptItems |
Provides transcript items for videos. |
ViewMutators |
Provides view mutators which change the display of certain web site pages (used for Cayman). |
Websites |
Provides web sites. |
type | description |
abbreviation | |
aboutUs | |
aboutUsLink | |
accessControl | |
accordion | |
accordionBellow | |
address | |
agreeConsent | |
alert | |
announcement | |
aside | |
asideObject | |
assetClass | |
author | |
auxiliaryAccount | |
banner | |
bellow | |
campaign | |
certificationText | |
class | |
client | |
commentary | |
committee | |
contact | |
contentExpiration | |
DAFCategory | |
DAFCategoryOrder | |
DAFLanguageOrder | |
DAFMetadata | |
DAFNationOrder | |
DAFOrder | |
DAFType | |
DAFTypeOrder | |
dataPoint | |
ddpFinancialExpress | |
ddpMetadata | |
disclosure | |
dynamicWebpage | |
eaacDafMetadata | |
education | |
event | |
eventInHistory | |
experience | |
expiringContentSubscription | |
externalSubscriptionProperty | |
glossary | |
glossaryTerm | |
HTML | |
heroBanner | |
historicalDaf | |
homePageBanner | |
homePageBannerObject | |
hyperlink | |
image | |
insight | |
insightAuthor | |
insightContent | |
investmentGoal | |
kingdom | |
language | |
location | |
map | |
mediaAppearance | |
mediaAppearancePerson | |
mediaType | |
microsite | |
nation | |
order | |
pageHeader | |
pageHeaderSection | |
paragraph | |
person | |
personSubteam | |
phone | |
phylum | |
product | |
productBenchmark | |
productCustomKeyFact | |
productLink | |
productLinkCategory | |
productPerson | |
productShareClass | |
productType | |
professionalAssociation | |
professionalExperienceTitle | |
region | |
role | |
rowCount | |
secFilingAbout | |
secFilingDafMetadata | |
section | |
sectionAside | |
sectionObject | |
serviceAlert | |
shareClass | |
shareClassLink | |
signIn | |
subteam | |
team | |
term | |
timeZone | |
toolbarException | |
topic | |
transcriptItem | |
translation | |
viewMutator | |
website | |
regionalProfessionalExperienceTitle | |
abstractResource | |
dateRange | |
link |