The Federated Hermes Product API is a RESTful API that can be used to retrieve information about Federated Hermes' products including key attributes and performance data.
The API has typical RESTful characteristics and uses JSON or XML for the output.
For more information on usage and how to get started Contact Us.
data type | context for syntax |
Integer / Long |
String (number) |
String (text) |
String (orderBy) |
String (date / date range) |
name | path | methods | description |
AnnualizedReturns |
Provides annualized returns and dates. |
AssetClasses |
Provides asset classes. |
Authenticate |
Authenticates a specified user to allow access to non-public_anonymous API calls. API calls within this web service
have 3 different levels of authorization which are described below.
Benchmarks |
Provides benchmark returns and dates. |
CalculatorProducts |
Provides product information for those products that are allowed to be used for calculator related data. |
CalendarYearReturns |
Provides calendar year returns. |
CharacteristicsAssetClosedEnds |
Provides daily and monthly assets and dates for closed end funds. |
CharacteristicsAssets |
Provides daily and monthly assets and dates for non-closed end funds. |
CitiProducts |
Provides Citi product related data. |
CorpDividendReceives |
Provides income dividend distribution data. |
CumulativeReturns |
Provides cumulative returns and dates. |
Currencies |
Provides currencies. |
CurrentDailyFundPerformances |
Provides current daily fund performance related data. |
CurrentInvestProdTotalReturns |
Provides annualized returns. |
DailyAssetPerformances |
Provides daily asset performance data. |
DailyPerformanceMetrics |
Provides daily performance data and dates. |
DailyRates |
Provides performance data for liquidity funds. |
DiscontinuedProductViews |
Provides discontinued product characteristics information. |
DiscontinuedProducts |
Provides discontinued product characteristics information. |
Distributions |
Provides income dividend distribution data. |
EffectiveMaturitySchedules |
Provides a breakdown of a product’s holdings by the effective maturity schedule. |
EsgIcons |
Provides product Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) icon information. |
FedAltMinTaxes |
Provides federal alternative tax data. |
FinalCapitalGains |
Provides capital gains data. |
ForeignTaxes |
Provides foreign tax data. |
FundDocuments |
Provides information on a product’s reports. |
FundNumbers |
Provides transfer agent fund numbers data. |
HypotheticalTools |
Provides Hypothetical Tools related data. |
Industries |
Provides a breakdown of a product’s holdings by industry sector. |
IntDividendPercents |
InterestRates |
Provides a breakdown of a product’s holdings by fixed rate versus floating rate. |
IntradayFundPerformances |
Provides intraday performance data. |
IntradayStrikeTimes |
Provides intraday strike times. |
KeyFacts |
Provides KeyFacts related data. |
MapProducts |
Provides product data for Manage Account Pools. |
MaturityRanges |
Provides a breakdown of holdings by maturity range. |
MedianSpreads |
Provides median spread data and dates. |
MicrositeProducts |
Provides product data for products on Federated’s microsites. |
MonthlyAssetPerformances |
Provides monthly asset performance data. |
MorningstarCategoryStyles |
Provides Morningstar® category and style related data. |
MorningstarRatings |
Provides Morningstar® ratings related data. |
PortCompAssetClasses |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by asset class. |
PortCompCountries |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by country. |
PortCompDiversities |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by diversity. |
PortCompDurations |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by duration. |
PortCompEquities |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by Equity sector. |
PortCompMarketCaps |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by market cap. |
PortCompStates |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by state. |
PortComps |
Provides various breakdowns of product holdings. |
PortfolioCallables |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by call schedule. |
PortfolioCompositionCurrencies |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by currency. |
PortfolioProfileMoneyMarketMonthlies |
Provides monthly WAM and WAL performance data. |
PortfolioProfileMoneyMarkets |
Provides daily WAM and WAL performance data. |
PortfolioProfiles |
Provides monthly weighted average performance data. |
Positionings |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by market cap. |
PreferredShareRatings |
Provides credit ratings for closed end fund preferred shares. |
PremiumDiscounts |
Provides premium discount data and dates. |
ProductAlertViews |
Provides product alerts related data. |
ProductAlerts |
Provides product alerts related data. |
ProductCategories |
Provides product categories. |
ProductDisclosures |
ProductOverviews |
Provides product information. |
ProductPermissions |
Provides information on which tabs are shown on the product detail pages. |
ProductSubscriptionOptions |
Provides an ordering of share classes for the subscription option page. |
ProductTypes |
Provides product types. |
Products |
Provides product characteristics information. |
ProspectusesAndRegulatoryReports |
Provides information on prospectuses and regulatory reports. |
QualifiedDividends |
Provides dividend and short term capital gain information. |
Qualities |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by quality ratings. |
RegionalBreakdowns |
Provides a breakdown product holdings by region. |
ReturnCaps |
Provides return on capital information. |
SearchAsYouTypeOptions |
Provides keywords used in the search as you type option. |
SecMoneyMarkets |
Provides Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) required information for money market products. |
ShareClassNames |
Provides share class names. |
ShareClasses |
Provides share class attribute information. |
StandardPerformances |
Provides standard performance data. |
StateTaxByIssuers |
Provides year end state tax information. |
StateTaxShortTerms |
Provides taxable short term capital gain information. |
StateTaxStates |
Provides a breakdown of state tax information. |
TopHoldings |
Provides a breakdown of the top holdings for products. |
TotalReturns |
Provides total return data. |
Websites |
Provides Federated’s websites. |
Weightings |
Provides a breakdown of product holdings by sector weightings. |
YieldReturns |
Provides yield data. |
type | description |
micrositeTypeEnum | |
annualizedReturn | |
assetClass | |
benchmark | |
calculatorProduct | |
calendarYearReturn | |
characteristicsAsset | |
characteristicsAssetClosedEnd | |
citiProduct | |
corpDividendReceived | |
count | |
cumulativeReturn | |
currency | |
currentDailyFundPerformance | |
currentInvestProdTotalReturn | |
dailyAssetPerformance | |
dailyPerformanceMetric | |
dailyRate | |
discontinuedProduct | |
distribution | |
effectiveMaturitySchedule | |
esgIcon | |
fedAltMinTax | |
finalCapitalGain | |
foreignTax | |
fundDocument | |
fundNumber | |
hypotheticalTool | |
industry | |
intDividendPercent | |
interestRate | |
intradayFundPerformance | |
intradayStrikeTime | |
keyFact | |
mapsProduct | |
maturityRange | |
medianSpread | |
micrositeProduct | |
monthlyAssetPerformance | |
morningstarCategoryStyle | |
morningstarRating | |
portComp | |
portCompAssetClass | |
portCompCountry | |
portCompDiversity | |
portCompDuration | |
portCompEquity | |
portCompMarketCap | |
portCompState | |
portfolioCallable | |
portfolioCompositionCurrency | |
portfolioProfile | |
portfolioProfileMoneyMarket | |
portfolioProfileMoneyMarketMonthly | |
positioning | |
preferredShareRating | |
premiumDiscount | |
premiumDiscountSummary | |
product | |
productAlert | |
productAlertView | |
productCategory | |
productCompareOverview | |
productDisclosure | |
productOverview | |
productPermission | |
productSubscriptionOption | |
productType | |
prospectusesAndRegulatoryReport | |
qualifiedDividend | |
quality | |
regionalBreakdown | |
returnCap | |
searchAsYouTypeOption | |
secMoneyMarket | |
shareClass | |
shareClassName | |
standardPerformance | |
stateTaxByIssuer | |
stateTaxShortTerm | |
stateTaxState | |
topHolding | |
totalReturn | |
website | |
weighting | |
yieldReturn | |
abstractResource | |
dateInstance | |
dateRange | |
id | |
link |